Emergency messages, RSS feeds, calendars, event news and 30-second videos are among the types of content relayed by the new network.
“Our goal was to build an inexpensive conduit for distributing information to the masses while maintaining our campus image of excellence,” said Travis Tasker, director of UVU’s Media Tech Support and Integration team. “We want to deliver a variety of fresh, relevant content by using and adapting content generation, distribution and approval methods already being used in existing systems and processes.”
Robert Koolen, president of Scala, told II: “Sending important news to students, faculty and staff in real-time is crucial to university-wide communications. Scala allows members of the campus community to easily create content, and schedule its distribution and playback from a single network. The result is the delivery of fresh, UVU-related information by way of calendars, RSS feeds, posters and short videos that broadcast on the digital network.”
In the future, UVU is hoping to extend its use of digital signage to a new finance lab in its business college.
IMAGE CREDIT: Lorena Crowley