Italian distributor for QSC Audio Products, AudioLink, has supplied a comprehensive audio system to the Palazzetto dello Sport Paolo Ferraris, Casle Monferrato, Italy. Four KLA line arrays were mounted above the two main stands, each comprised of three KLA12 active, two-way loudspeaker elements – intended to deliver both power and projection without restricting the view of spectators. While K10 and K8 active loudspeakers were deployed at ground level to provide discreet sound reinforcement around the court itself. Nearly every aspect of the system at the multi-purpose stadium can be controlled via an iPad running the Q-Sys Controller app and Q-Sys designer software. Users can assemble custom user control interfaces (UCIs), a feat said to place practically any element of the system at his or her fingertips. “Q-Sys was the ideal solution for the PalaFerraris. The totally flexible architecture of the Q-Sys Core and the intuitive nature of the Q-Sys Designer software mean that configuring the entire system to fit the needs of the venue is exceptionally quick and easy,” says Stefano Cantadori, head of AudioLink, “Our on-site specialist Giammario Piumatti, who is there to assist the client with programming the system, loves it because any last-minute ideas and requests can so easily be integrated, just as the system can easily be adapted in the future to cope with the evolving needs of the venue.”