After a review of the market options, Xstrata CIO Jason Wilkins and his colleagues selected the Polycom HDX 9000 platform, which delivers true HD video, audio and content sharing capabilities. Combined with the Polycom RMX multipoint bridge, the Polycom Video Border Proxy firewall traversal device and a Polycom CMA, the solution enables Xstrata to undertake internal IP communications and incorporate legacy ISDN users and external networks.
In addition, the Polycom HDX 9000 solution offers Xstrata the opportunity to implement either single or dual, wide-screen performance depending on location and user requirements.
Noting that the Polycom system has delivered a rapid return on investment, Wilkins remarked that the VC purchase “wasn’t just about high definition or the latest technology, it was more about ensuring that the quality of the video conference experience was sufficient to attract users and replace costly in-person meetings. The Polycom solution has demonstrated this with remarkable success.”
Steve Leyland, managing director for Europe at Polycom, told II: “With workers on mines and properties scattered in remote regions across different countries, Xstrata was looking to improve operations, react to emergencies and ensure the work/life balance of its staff. Polycom’s solutions are meeting the needs for fast, direct and transparent communications, enabling employees to collaborate and work closely together regardless of their location.”