The new distributed sound system incorporates 60 CLOUD6 units, powered by three Crown CTS-Series amplifiers, with Lectrosonics DSP enabling various areas of the facility to be brought together.
Toner Sound modelled the system using Community’s Forecaster Ceiling Loudspeaker Software, which is available as a free download from the Community website.
John T Wiggins, Community’s VP, told II: “Engineering systems for ideal coverage and SPL is essential for venues such as Drexelbrook, so Community has developed this easy-to-use tool. CLOUD ceiling loudspeakers are used in a very wide range of projects, from intimate venues to large-scale public areas, and this software helps designers to ensure optimum results.”
The entire project was completed in just three days so as not to infringe upon Drexelbrook’s busy events calendar.
Reflecting on the new system, Drexelbrook CEO and general manager Domenick Savino noted that “the sound clarity is quite noticeable, and the first clients to use the system offered many positive comments. Simply having them ask, ‘Did you get a new sound system?’ in itself justified the investment. And Toner Sound did a great job installing the system.”