Installed at the beginning of July, the screen measures 5 x 6 panels (6.10m [W] x 4.57m [H]) and is driven by Lighthouse LIP-XGA and X-Drive Pro processors.
Praising the assistance of Mike Hardip Sanun (sales manager for Lighthouse’s SESA office), Jua Wangsa founder Ahmad Husni Abdul Wahab added: “Installing the screen was an easy process; the only tricky part was assembling the structure and integrating the screen into it. I must admit, I took a bit of a gamble by taking this job, but we have gained important experience and knowledge, and now I’m hoping to concentrate on this market for Malaysia.”
“It is our aim at Lighthouse to ensure that our customer’s experience is a good one right from the very start,” said Sanun. “It is good to know that Mr Ahmad’s faith in specifying Lighthouse screens has been justified, and we’re looking forward to a long and happy relationship with both Jua Wangsa and Danascreen.”