The Moscow Folklore Theatre (“Nadejka Babkina Theater”), a 996-seat auditorium in the outskirts of the Olimpijskij Prospect, serves as a multipurpose venue fully equipped with a Vivace Acoustic System from the Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup Planned back in 2006 and opened to the public in 2012, the auditorium can vary in size and seating to suit a wide spectrum of events. This varience in use initially posed a particular challenge for the acoustics. A total of 65 speakers are built in to the walls and ceilings of the auditorium to deliver sound for various performances. The Vivace system used in Moscow incorporates eight mics on stage and in the auditorium, which pass their signals to the Vivace Mainframe processor. The Vivace Acoustics System corrects these signals in real time according to the settings selected and outputs the results via the Nexus digital audio router to the amplifiers and speakers. A set of Vivace presets were preconfigured on delivery. These cover the most important theatre uses and combinations. They range, for example, from “Short Stage, Chamber Music” to “Medium Stage with a large symphony orchestra” up to “Maximum Stage with Choir” to name but a few. “The extraordinary quality of the Vivace system is its extremely short response time which makes manipulation inaudible and its ability to simulate almost any desired acoustic perfectly,” says Sergei Osenjev from system contractor A&T who commissioned the Folklore Theatre system. “Although the auditorium acoustics are very good as constructed they have entered a new dimension with Vivace,” he continues. The Folklore Theatre is the first Vivace installation in Russia.
Moscow Folklore Theatre acoustically sound with Vivace System
Individual room acoustics in the Moscow Folklore Theater have been made possible with a state-of-the-art Vivace room acoustics system.