As part of the audio upgrade, the church specified a CSD5 at FOH and another of the consoles for its recording studio facility. Having originally planned to remain in the analogue domain, the church ultimately resolved to go digital to facilitate the necessary flexibility and channel-count. Discussions with Utrecht-based TM Audio led to the purchase of the two DiGiCo desks, which were installed by Jonathan van Klaveren of JVK Sound Control.
In addition to the two CSD5s, TM Audio also supplied two MADI stage racks, two local racks, an RME MADI bridge, two RME MADI PCI cards, an Apogee Big Ben master AV clock and an Aviom personal monitoring system.
In the main part of the church, the CSD5 provides 112 mic/line inputs and 16 line outputs, and interfaces seamlessly with the existing Renkus-Heinz loudspeaker system. The second CSD5, in the church’s recording studio, features the same channels allocated to the same banks and faders as the FOH console, enabling volunteers to transfer easily between the two desks.
“The desk’s sound quality is inherently better, but making just as big a difference is the greatly enhanced control that the CSD5 has given us,” said the church’s main sound engineer and system tech, Rob Gips. “The high quality, compressors, gain and dynamics have made a massive difference to how we can control the sound.”