Both performance (for events) and permanent (for daily use) systems have been purchased for the glass-domed pool area. The permanent system features 10 VRX932LAP powered, portable line arrays and two VRX918SP powered, portable subwoofers. In addition, VRX loudspeakers have been located on top of 12 cabanas that line the pool.
The performance system consists of a four-element VerTec VT4887 ADP compact powered line array in each of the four corners. The line arrays are augmented by multiple VT4881ADP compact powered subwoofers.
Both pool area systems run under the auspices of dbx DriveRack 4800 loudspeaker management systems.
Elsewhere in the complex, the new ‘Reflections’ coffee shop contains six zones of audio with more than 50 JBL Control 26CT in-ceiling loudspeakers, while the food court features three audio zones and a grand total of 20 Control 26CTs. Both systems are driven by Crown CTs amplifiers with BSS Soundweb London BLU-80 signal processors.
“Since Harman Professional audio components are designed to work together seamlessly, the combination of dbx signal processing and JBL loudspeakers with DrivePack technology, co-engineered with Crown, creates an ideal performance system solution for the pool area at Harrah’s Atlantic City,” David Scheirman, vice-president of tour sound at JBL Professional, told II. “The powerful, versatile system design is a testament to [Harrah’s Entertainment technology manager] Jim Esher’s creative vision and expert application of the technology.”