Ease of use and the range of available layout designs influenced the selection of ONELAN’s Net-Top-Boxes, which allow a screen to be divided into different zones for the relaying of various media formats. A large LCD screen and ONELAN NTB have been installed in the foyer of each hotel.
Anthony Murray, group IT manager at Maldron Hotels, commented: “In addition to managing the day-to-day signage needs of our hotels ONELAN allowed us the opportunity to communicate to guests the re-branding of Maldron Hotels in a clear and consistent way. We are very pleased with our decision to use ONELAN.”
ONELAN sales & marketing director Hugh Coghill-Smith told II: “Hospitality is definitely a market in which we are seeing increasing demand. In particular, customers are seeking all-in-one solutions with integral hybrid TV capture/DVB-T digital TV tuner capability such as our NTB615 and NTB5005. In fact, sales for our TV-equipped solutions now outstrip non-TV by a factor of two to one!”