Houston can diagnose any operational fault, such as a phase failure, loss of DMX or raised temperature. When a fault occurs, in any given device, a message is sent to one or more of the PCs running the Houston software. This immediately notifies the user of a fault, the normally green status indicator starts flashing red. A quick glance at the screen then gives detailed information about the device failure and the nature of the fault: date-stamp, location/address of device, fault details, essentially Houston provides an early warning system, so your show can run as smoothly as possible.
This information is invaluable for the fast diagnostics of any problem in all situations. Large stadium concerts or film shoots with dimmer racks located in multiple positions you can now see what is happening from one central location.
Installers can see the status of a remote venue, such as a school, or church, from their office, via an internet connection, and respond, possibly before the client is aware of the issue.
Houston even keeps a permanent log of all lighting system events for later viewing and reviewing.