Two displays are to be installed on the front, with the first measuring 6.6m high by 11.7m wide, while the second will be 23.4m high by 11.7m wide. Both will incorporate full colour pixels on 23mm centre-to-centre spacing.
On the side of the shopping centre building, five two-sided LED displays measuring 5.0m high by 3.2m wide with pixels on 16mm spacing will be installed. One will also be positioned on the side, which will be 3.6m high by 20.4m wide, with pixels on 46mm spacing.
Each display will feature ProStar technology and will use the latest RGB LED technology to present live and recorded video images, animation and graphics. The system will provide flexibility for the Cocor Shopping Centre to present images and information.
Carlos Verez, who works in international sales for Daktronics, said: “This project will be a large accomplishment for us and we hope that our relationship with Cocor lasts well into the future.”