Gerry Weber has opened a lavishly appointed new, three-level flagship store in the heart of Düsseldorf. Retailing women’s fashion over a sales area of 900sqm, the store features cutting edge LED technology both inside and outside its premises, including a striking LED logo of the store’s name devised by design company Schwitzke + Partner.
To turn the concept into reality, curveLED GmbH was brought into the project, as a result of which the 2m (H) x 20cm (D) aluminium letters have been equipped with curveLED LEDs, enabling complete videos to be played across the entire width of the lettering.
The letters are dressed in Gerry Webber corporate colours, with each character mounted free-hanging from the ceiling of the store and running across a 20m wide curved front window. Consequently, from outside the store, the letters seem to hover in space.
Fritz Steiner, project management, curveLED GmbH, told IE: “The thought was not only to see the writing ‘Gerry Weber’ but to also fill this with content. With these letters the words can not only be read by the observer, but can also be seen through the use of the LEDs.”
The shop also features an LED back wall implemented with curveLED technology. Employed as a colour-changing background for a storage rack, the 3.36m (W) x 2.56m (H) LED curtain makes use of a special transparent film that produces flat, diffuse gradients to help secure customer attention.