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CT London enlisted for new UK game show

The set features a total of nine media surfaces, including Barco’s iLite 6 6mm display, which forms the main high-resolution central screen. The set-up also includes G-LEC’s 30mm Phantom 30 and Barco MiTRIX transparent screens, the Barco OLite 612 modular banner (curving round the rear of the set) and the Schnick-Schnack LED FX, which borders the cash machines and provides a uniform colour light detail elsewhere on the stage floor. The transparent screens have been backlit to give extra depth to the set.

The elaborate Colour of Money system also includes a CT-supplied Barco Folsom picture management system for image sizing and a Catalyst G5 server.

“The reason we put in so many LED screens was to enable us to run movement and graphics juxtaposed with the static position of the game play – there’s a lot of double movement,” explained Doherty. “It’s the interactive elements of the countdowns and money crashing out of the machines – the graphics linked by one machine and the main lighting by Catalyst digital media servers – that makes this work.”

CT’s head of television and entertainment, Adrian Offord, told II that the resulting set has “gone down very well. I think everyone was pleased with the fact that it is a very clean set – it doesn’t have a lot of smoke and beams, there aren’t many (if any) moving lights, and there are no lighting products on the floor.”

Other current broadcast projects involving CT include BBC1’s Let’s Dance for Comic Relief and the forthcoming John Barrowman-presented talent show, Tonight’s the Night, again for the BBC.