The broadening nature of the venues programme schedule _ Sunday worship, concerts, weddings, conferences and lectures _ .highlighted limitations in the existing public address system and broadcast/multimedia specialists Interactive View specified the replacement of the old sound rig with 16 discrete, ultra-compact Martin Audio AQ6 loudspeakers. The speakers are powered by three Martin Audio MA900 amplifiers and optimised using Allen & Heath DSP. The AQ6 is a two-way passive trapezoidal speaker with a 6.5-inch long-throw LF driver and a 1-inch. horn-loaded dome HF driver, with the vented enclosure ensuring extended bass response.
Church_s administrator James Irving says, ”We wanted to take this opportunity to look to the future and be able to relay what we_re doing beyond the church. With this solution I believe we_ve done that.”
Built by Sir Christopher Wren in the 1680s following the Great Fire of London, St. Bride_s is one of the capital_s best-known monuments, and as a place of worship dating back as far as the 6th century.