With the bonobos carrying out a fairly thorough demolition job on the microphones initially specified by Triad AV, the company’s Dick Trump began a market-wide search for the ideal great ape-proof microphone.
“The omni-condenser microphone we chose was weather-resistant; because the bonobos’ facility is regularly hosed down, our mics had to be moisture-proof,” said Trump, who came across Clockaudio at the Syd-Aud-Con website. “It is made from Delrin which is a very sturdy plastic, so the build quality of the C007 is excellent. Because it was designed for surveillance and recording in sensitive areas – banks, airports, law courts – it has an extremely low profile; we were able to fit it on a stainless steel mount which doesn’t draw attention to itself. Only a very small surface area is exposed, and the parts of the microphone that need to be protected are well-hidden.”
Two Clockaudio line-level boundary mics have been installed inside each of two bonobo enclosures, and are being used in conjunction with a Lectronics mixer and JBL loudspeakers.