New for ISE from Control4 is its Wireless Music Bridge. Designed to stream audio from any mobile device to speakers throughout a home, it supports Bluetooth, DLNA and AirPlay – a combination that Paul Williams, vice president of security and communications products, believes gives Control4 an important competitive advantage. Also new, and being demonstrated on the Control4 stand, is TuneIn. A third-party application that Control4 has integrated into its own offering, TuneIn is available for both iOS and Android, and gives users access to the tens of thousands of Internet-based radio stations around the world. It is featured in the OS 2.4 upgrade from Control4 which includes a number of new capabilities, according to Williams. Control4 is also showing off its new lighting solutions, including an 8-zone dimmer module. Here too, Williams believes his company has a competitive advantage. “These new dimmers autosense the load that’s being placed on them, and know how to dim it,” he said. “That means that if a user starts by controlling fluorescent lights, for example, but subsequently migrates to or adds incandescent lighting or LED, the dimmer can automatically handle the new lighting types. No other dimmer can do that.” Stand: 8-H180
Wireless Music Bridge makes debut
New from Control4, it is designed to stream audio from any mobile device to speakers throughout a home