UK distributor Steljes has reached a significant milestone this month as it celebrates 25 years of trading. During this time, Steljes has grown from a one man band to a company that employs 150 people and has offices in Bagshot, Warrington, Leeds, Edinburgh and Dublin.
The company is said to have had its beginnings when founder Nigel Steljes was shown a prototype of the world’s first LCD panel – and immediately saw the business benefits. He set up his own AV company using the £60 per week available from the UK government’s Enterprise Allowance Scheme, with his ‘big break’ coming at an exhibition when he launched the LCD and allegedly stole the show, gaining orders from companies such as IBM.
When Steljes became the authorised distributor of SMART Technologies in the UK over ten years ago, the SMART Board interactive whiteboard was an unknown technology in the education market. Steljes launched the product to the education market and has made it, according to the company, the UK’s number selling interactive whiteboard since independent industry statistics began. The company says that it is now emulating this success in the corporate market.
“I have been in the AV industry for over 25 years and have seen most things – booms, busts, the rise of the internet to name but a few,” said Nigel Steljes (pictured cutting the celebratory birthday cake). “For a company that started life selling LCD panels, we have done extraordinarily well. We have successfully launched some truly innovative technologies, created new markets and evolved into being one of the biggest independently owned AV/IT distributors in the country. I would like to thank every one of my staff – past and present – for all their hard work and dedication and of course our vendors and resellers who have helped to make us the successful company we are today. I look forward to celebrating the next milestone in our company’s history.”