The future is upon us, and AV no longer works in isolation – customers expect a fully integrated solution to deliver an enhanced lifestyle inside their homes as well as the communities they live in. At 11:30 on Thursday 2 February in the Education Zone at ISE 2012, InfoComm International will present an all-new seminar that explores what communities of the future look like, and what their future inhabitants, clients, and workers will expect of their surroundings. Sushil Kurian Pilo, CEO of MindServe, and George Puthenkulam, CTO, will highlight current examples and present an overview of some recent community projects in the Middle East that are on the cutting edge of this trend. Via the case study they will catalogue the project goals, the systems involved, the steps taken to fully integrate each, and the end results for inhabitants in regards to lifestyle, productivity, operations and value added services. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the opportunities and challenges that evolve from integrating systems and services within the community in unique ways, and how they can capitalise on them. Click here to view the InfoComm programme at ISE 2012 and to reserve a space at the sessions of your choice online.