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InstallAwards: Lifetime Achievement Award for Jeffreys

We're delighted to reveal that the winner of the 2015 InstallAwards lifetime achievement award will be Greg Jeffreys, founder and CEO of Paradigm AV.

At the 2015 InstallAwards, in addition to the judged categories, we are making two special awards that recognise special contributions made to the industry over several years. These two accolades are the Lifetime Achievement award, which goes to an individual; and the Grand Prix, which is presented to a company or organisation.

We’re delighted to reveal that the winner of the 2015 InstallAwards lifetime achievement award will be Greg Jeffreys, founder and CEO of Paradigm AV. The award is made in recognition of his industry-leading work within InfoComm International and his contribution to standards and education within the audiovisual industry.

As the first president of InfoComm to come from outside North America, he has helped that organisation to extend its international profile and reach. When we interviewed him earlier this year, he described his time at InfoComm, which lasted five years in total in various roles, as “my highest professional achievement”, adding: “There was a common purpose, there were no competition issues, it was very successful both financially and operationally, and we had the chance to do good things. It was just a very inspiring experience.” He has also been on the board of Integrated Systems Europe and still sits on its advisory board.

However, there is more to Jeffreys’ achievements than organisational leadership – he also contributes significantly to knowledge sharing and education within the industry. A self-taught engineer, he founded his Paradigm AV, in 1988, initially as a general AV company but specialising in rear-projection from the early 1990s. His extensive experience in the world of projection stood him in good stead in his role as lead writer on the recent Projected Image System Contrast Ratio ANSI/InfoComm standard, and he is currently moderating a new standard on setting display image size.

We asked David Labuskes, executive director and CEO of InfoComm International, for his thoughts on the man. He told us: “Greg Jeffreys has made significant contributions to the world of AV. He has devoted countless hours to improving the industry. From his dedication to developing industry standards, to his leadership in recrafting InfoComm as a truly global organisation that can meet the needs of the European AV industry and beyond, Greg is an extraordinary leader who makes all of us with the privilege of knowing him strive to be better.”

For 2015, the InstallAwards move to a new central London location – the Bloomsbury Ballroom, located in Victoria House on Bloomsbury Square. The night will include a drinks reception, three-course dinner and after party.

In addition to the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Grand Prix, we will also be presenting Best Project and Star Product Awards across six categories: Audience Venues, Corporate and Industrial, Education, Hospitality, Residential, and Retail, Transport and Public Space. We will also present the Team of the Year Award, judged from the entries to the six project categories.

Tickets for the event, which takes place on 4 June, are available now and cost £225 or £1,695 for a table of 10. Visit the website for more details or email For sponsorship opportunities, contact or or call +44 (0)20 7354 6000.