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Installation to host PLASA panel discussion on technology evolution

We are pleased to announce that Installation will be hosting ‘Installations – You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby’ in the Audio and AV Theatre from 14:45 to 15:45 on Monday 18 September.

In keeping with the theme of PLASA’s 40th anniversary, this session, moderated by Installation editor Paddy Baker, will look at how some of the key installation technologies have evolved over the past four decades. An expert panel will look at a number of installation scenarios, describe how they were approached back in the day, comparing and contrasting with today’s kit and methods. We’ll also look at how these technological developments have changed the way that integrators work.

The panel members are:
• Nevil Bounds, Feltech
• Peter Ed, Light Emissions
• Peter James, Shure
• Sam Wise, Venue Strategies

“I’m very much looking forward to chairing this session,” said Baker. “I’ve assembled a panel of experts with over 120 years of collective experience and who are still strongly involved in the industry today. Using their knowledge and experience, we’ll explore how the technologies involved in different types of installation have evolved over 40 years.

As well as being interesting and informative, I believe that the session will give installation professionals a better appreciation for how their predecessors approached projects, and a greater understanding of how today’s technologies have built on what has gone before. Having only been involved with this industry for a mere 10 years myself, I’m sure I’m going to learn a lot!”

To register for the seminar click here