Installation is pleased to announce that we are once again publishing the ISE Daily for 2017 (‘thedaily’) – the official newspaper of the Integrated Systems Europe show. This will appear in four daily editions from Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 February inclusive.
Exhibitors should send press information direct to the relevant writer for their hall at the RAI:
• Halls 1, 9, 10 and 11 – Ian McMurray – IMcMurray@iseurope.org
• Halls 2, 4, 7 and 12 (pre-show)– Michael Burns – MBurns@iseurope.org
• Halls 2, 4, 7 and 12 (at-show)– Tim Frost – TFrost@iseurope.org
• Halls 3, 5, 13 and 14 – Heather McLean – HMcLean@iseurope.org
• Halls 6 and 8 – Monica Heck – MHeck@iseurope.org
As in previous years, we will be publishing a Preview Edition of the ISE Daily, which will be sent out in the second half of January.
The deadline for material for the four at-show editions is Monday 9 January.
There will be very limited scope for exhibitor news in the Preview Edition, but material for consideration must be received by Thursday 1 December.
Also, please note that we can’t guarantee that a news item will appear in any particular edition.
Please ensure any embargoes are communicated, as while the Dailies will not be published before the show, the team will also be compiling material for the Official Visitor newsletter, the first edition of which will be sent in early January.
Installation will feature ISE 2017 preview coverage in its November-December, January and February editions. This will draw from the work of the ISE Daily team.
Read the ISE Daily 2016 here.