Do you understand what your future clients will require of your products and services? How much longer can you survive without Building Information Modelling? Do your installations meet the Projected Image System Contrast Ratio standard? Do you understand AVB, and its implications for the networks of today and tomorrow? As part of its training offering in the Education Zone at ISE 2012, InfoComm International is addressing all these topics – and more! Prepare for the future, or sharpen your skills for today in a range of all-new seminars, each led by acknowledged by experts in their field and tailored the needs of the European marketplace. From cutting-edge topics to one-hour primers on subjects such as mounting best practices, audio troubleshooting, multichannel digital marketing, acoustic design, digital video, extending HDMI, and fibre optics… You’ll find it all in InfoComm’s ISE education schedule. Click here to find out more about the Smart Integrated Communities of tomorrow; here to discover how Building Information Modelling WILL impact your workflow; here to learn more about the ANSI/INFOCOMM 3M-2011 Projected Image Contrast Ratio Standard; here to find out about AVB – the future of standards-based audiovisual networking; and here to join InfoComm for the 2012 edition of the Future Trends Summit – the pre-show forum for the discussion of tomorrow’s industry challenges and opportunities. Choose from any of the 30+ InfoComm seminars at ISE 2012 and make sure your business has the knowledge it needs to STAY in business. Click here to view the whole InfoComm education schedule at ISE 2012 and to book your places online.