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Fine Art Professional provides LED head fixtures for Redditch Palace Theatre

InfoComm’s certification programme has been audited by ANSI-ISO with a view to its CTS qualification gaining recognition by the standards body. “We should have a notice for you, we hope fairly shortly, that we’ve been accredited by ISO and ANSI so that the CTS will carry that designation,” said Lemke. “That will mean our 9000 certificate holders will all have ANSI and ISO behind them. That’s a huge thing, we think – if you [can] go to architects and engineers and demonstrate that our certification programme stands up to world-class standards.”

Lemke also announced that InfoComm is working on setting standards in the areas of sound coverage and projected images. “There are unique areas that no-one has developed standards in,” he said. Scott Walker, a former InfoComm president and a design consultant, is heading up an InfoComm working group on sound coverage.

“If you look at where we’re going, we think that InfoComm really can help to build the industry, and that’s what it’s really about,” added Lemke.

He was speaking at a press conference to promote InfoComm’s tie-in with NXTcomm, under the banner ‘two shows, one event’. NXTcomm is billed as ‘delivering the ecosystem of network-enabled voice, video and data’.

Describing the co-location of the two shows, Wayne Crawford of NXTcomm said: “We couldn’t think of a reason not to do it. [With] two very strong shows are sitting side by side, we expect to get a lot of crossover attendance both ways, and we want to make it very easy for the attendees to do that.”

Currently the plan is for the two shows to be held side-by-side during even-numbered years.