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AVnu educates in AVB at ISE 2012

The AVnu Alliance is hosting hourly presentations and product demos at its technology pavilion.

The AVnu Alliance is hosting hourly presentations and product demos at its technology pavilion.

Drawing from AVB experts representing AVnu member companies such as Biamp, Harman, Lab X, Marvell and Meyer Sound, the sessions will provide clarity to the IEEE AVB networking standards, the adoption of AVB in AV applications, as well as the AVnu Alliance’s role in advancing these open standards and promoting device interoperability. In his presentation, John Bergen of Marvell will illustrate an example of the huge leap forward that AVB enables for video networking.

“Since the AVnu Alliance first came to ISE in 2010, we have been joined by 29 new member companies with a shared vision to drive the industry towards unified A/V networking,” said Lee Minich, marketing work group chair of AVnu Alliance and president of Lab X Technologies. “As we prepare the industry for the launch of AVnu-certified AVB products in 2012, we invite professionals at ISE to learn about the practical benefits of these open standards and how these developments will impact the future of system integration via our hourly sessions.”

Members of the AVnu Alliance now include more than 40 companies representing industries across automotive, pro AV and consumer electronics.

In addition to the hourly presentations at the AVnu Alliance technology pavilion, member companies Avid, Lab X Technologies, Riedel, UMAN and XMOS will demonstrate products and platforms that utilise AVB networking technology.